With ocean temperatures far above even the worst predictions, a sense of urgency has driven Coral For Conservation’s work to create “BULA Reef” – the world’s biggest underwater coral word display.
BULA (a Fijian greeting also meaning ‘life’) has been immortalised beneath the waters off Plantation Island Resort. Unveiled on the 8th of June 2024 to coincide with World Oceans Day, BULA Reef is now the largest rescue reef of its kind in history, measuring 15 x 8 metres.
Significantly, as the first Reefs of Hope project to be launched, the BULA Reef also represents the first and only coral-focused adaptation program to be officially endorsed by UNESCO as part of its Ocean Decade of Action, providing the highest level of international recognition for the project.
Unlike other reef projects, the BULA Reef will not become a public snorkelling site given how vulnerable baby coral polyps and colonies are. However guided visits are possible once per week with our day tour operator Dulcinea. Guests who want to go out for a day on the water will see the benefit when they visit other reefs in the Mamanucas that are starting to respond and thrive courtesy of this program.
Coral Conservation
Impact of the Rising Ocean Temperature on Coral
Coral Reefs all over the earth are facing widespread bleaching and death due to warming seas which are a result of climate change and global heating.
Because of the diversity of life found in the habitats created by corals, reefs are often called the “rainforests of the sea” and are important not just for sustaining life in Fiji but also from a global perspective. They are a diverse marine ecosystem providing shelter and food for over 1 million different species. The death of Coral Reefs would therefore have a negative impact on biodiversity including many other species such as fish, turtles and other sea creatures.
Corals Restoration
Finding Super Corals
Coral bleaching, when corals lose their beautiful colour and die, happens when the ocean water is too hot (over 29 degrees). However, there are certain corals that have adapted and can survive hotter temperatures (between 30-36 degrees) without bleaching.
Our Marine Biologists collect these “Super Coral” fragments and replant them into our cooler water nurseries to monitor and multiply them. The goal is to ensure the survival of many different genotypes.
Raising Super Corals
The corals in these nurseries can grow quickly, up to 10 times their original size in a year. Once large enough, they are then trimmed, and the branches are used to repair degraded reefs, increasing their resilience against rising ocean temperatures.
Back on to the Reef
After one year of growth in the nurseries, Super-Corals are also planted on an A-frame and other significant structures underwater. Out planting patches are made up of genetically diverse corals which allows for natural reproduction and restoration of the Reefs. The goal is to restore coral reproduction and to create Super Coral babies that can survive rising temperatures caused by global warming.

Underwater Museum
Located 20 metres offshore in front of the Beachfront Bures at Plantation Island Resort, is a unique underwater museum.
Guests can snorkel this site at your leisure and discover a variety of interesting structures created for our Super Corals to grow on.

Build a Fish House
For Guests who want to immerse themselves in the conservation activities, they can join our Marine Biologists in creating a ‘Fish House’. These igloo-shaped structures are made of cement and stones and can be uniquely designed by our guests, to help create a better habitat for reef-dwelling fish. Once completed, the fish homes are placed in calm waters close to the shore and coral are encouraged to grow on them. On subsequent trips to Plantation Island Resort, guests can then snorkel and see how their fish house has developed.
Predator Removal
Did you know that the Crown of Thorns Starfish are covered in spikes and prey upon reef corals. It is invasive because of its dense population, and they may eat the few corals that survive the rising sea temperatures, slowing down reef adaptation. In 2023 our Marine Biologists removed over 1000 Crown of Thorns Starfish, saving an estimated 1,825,000 corals!
Giant Clam Farming
Due to excessive over harvesting, giant clam populations have drastically decreased throughout the Pacific. We also have a giant clam nursery located 30 meters offshore from the old jetty. The larger clams are already reproducing and are sending their babies out to repopulate the reefs.

Guest Activities
Whilst staying at Plantation Island Resort, you have the opportunity to learn more about what’s under the water and how you can be involved by participating in education programs and other hands-on activities.
Coral Planting
Venue Marine shed
Cost Complimentary
Help us with our coral restoration work by planting some coral of your own onto one of our structures, which will then go back out onto the reef.
Fish house making
Venue Marine shed
Cost $10 per fish house
Fish need coral and coral need fish! Help us create a fish habitat for our local reef by designing and building your very own Fish House, made from stones and cement. You can also bring shells to decorate it.
Coral Nursery Snorkelling Tour
Check Departure Time with the Booking Office
Venue Depart from the Old Jetty
Cost $35 per adult, $17.50 per child under 12 years
Join our resort Marine Biologists on a snorkel tour of one of our coral nurseries. We will give you an overview of our program and answer any questions you might have. After viewing the nursery take a lovely snorkel along the nearby reef.
We need a minimum of 4 adults to run this trip so bring your family and friends! *Do not wear sunscreen unless you are sure it is Reef Safe.
Marine Conservation Talk
Venue Kids Club
Cost Complimentary
Join our resort Marine Biologists at Kids Club as they teach our little ones how to preserve our oceans for the future.
You are never too young to learn how we can contribute to our natural environment.
Coral Nursery Snorkelling Tour
Check Times with the Booking Office
Venue Departs from the Old Jetty
Cost $35 per adult, $17.50 per child under 12 years
Join our resort Marine Biologists on a snorkel tour of one of our coral nurseries. We will give you an overview of our program and answer any questions you might have. After viewing the nursery take a lovely snorkel along the nearby reef.
We need a minimum of 4 adults to run this trip so bring your family and friends! *Do not wear sunscreen unless you are sure it is Reef Safe.

Corals for Conservation
In 2018, Plantation Island Resort partnered with Corals For Conservation to set up a science backed Coral Reef Research and Restoration Centre at Plantation Island Resort.
They have prioritised three key areas:
- Building bleaching-resistant super coral gardens
- Involving the community in managing their marine protected areas
- Creating sustainable strategies for guests to learn how to protect and enjoy the beautiful reefs nearby.
In the past, climate change took place over hundreds of years, and corals had time to adjust and to move via sending out their drifting larvae, but the changes now are taking place far too quickly, over one to two decades. Heat adapted corals cannot swim – they cannot move themselves out to cooler waters where they could survive, and so we are helping them, by moving whole colonies out and into cooler and deeper waters nearby.